2022 & Forward


Welcome to a revamp of my previous blogging. For anyone that closely follows me, you've probably noticed a slower approach from my end as far as content goes. A huge reason for that is that I'm now a mom <3.

Outside of that, I've always been back and forth when it comes to adding more content because I feel like lately, infosec has gotten more attention. With more attention, comes more noise from all directions. I didn't see the benefit in adding to the "noise". I define the noise as being the same content being put out over and over again. It's no secret that, today, you can learn the art of hacking for almost nothing from a cost perspective. I really value content that adds to my methodology and content that is polished and professional. That's not to say that most people's content isn't that but a lot of it could be better and more in depth in my opinion. With that being said, I'd like to really start being more intentional about the depthness of my coming technical blog posts. Outside of that, I'm finally ready to start being raw and real about my experiences as a minority in this field. I hold a lot back from fear of people not liking what I have to say (I know, silly...but it's real for me). I'm going to post a lot of old blogs I had up on an older domain so that I can better collect my work/thoughts into one place.

Ultimately, my goal with my posts is to be able to share my experiences (including downfalls), to show that this isn't all point and click work. It's my hope that my experiences can guide you in some way. I look forward to the rest of the coming year and I'm sending light to you all during this period of covid!

As always, be a good human. You never know what someone is going through.

